What Has Francesca Cabrini Been In (2025)

1. Mother Cabrini - Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

  • She made 23 trans-Atlantic crossings and established 67 institutions: schools, hospitals and orphanages. Her activity was relentless until her death. On ...

  • The youngest of thirteen children, Frances Cabrini was born on July 15, 1850 in a small village called S’ant Angelo Lodigiano near the city of Milan, Italy. She grew up enthralled by the stories of missionaries and made up her mind to join a religious order. Because of her frail health, she was not permitted to join the Daughters of the Sacred Heart who had been her teachers and under whose guidance she obtained her teaching certificate.

Mother Cabrini - Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

2. Timeline and Her Life's Work | The National Shrine of Saint Frances ...

  • July 15, 1850: Francesca Cabrini is born in Sant'Angelo Lodigiano, Italy (about 20 miles from Milan). She is the 13th child of her family.

  • MOTHER CABRINI - TIMELINE AND HER LIFE'S WORK A Brief Timeline of St. Frances Xavier Cabrini’s Life and Work July 15, 1850: Francesca Cabrini is born in Sant’Angelo Lodigiano, Italy (about 20 miles from Milan). She is the 13th child of her family. Just before her birth, a flock


3. About Mother Cabrini

  • Renowned as a woman of deep faith, Mother Cabrini was also a shrewd businesswoman. Over the course of 34 years she established an astonishing 67 hospitals, ...

  • Mother Cabrini's life was dedicated to the care of poor immigrants. An immigrant herself, she became the first US citizen proclaimed a saint.

About Mother Cabrini

4. Everything You Need to Know about Cabrini the Movie - Angel Studios

  • Aug 24, 2023 · The film represents the very real events of Cabrini's life, her mission, and her service among the Italian immigrants of New York City.

  • Explore the highly anticipated Cabrini movie, based on the life and legacy of Cabrini who fought for the health and happiness of immigrant orphans.

Everything You Need to Know about Cabrini the Movie - Angel Studios

5. Mother Cabrini - Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

  • In 1880, with seven young women, Frances went on to found the Institute of the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. She was as resourceful as she ...

  • The youngest of thirteen children, St. Frances Xavier Cabrini (originally Maria Francesca Cabrini) was born on July 15, 1850 in a small village called Sant’Angelo Lodigiano, near the city of Milan, Italy. She grew up enthralled by the stories of missionaries and made up her mind to join a religious order. Missionary Sisters of the...

Mother Cabrini - Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

6. Mother Cabrini, the First American Saint of the Catholic Church

Mother Cabrini, the First American Saint of the Catholic Church

7. The Real Mother Cabrini Remembered: 'Her Confidence in ...

  • Mar 8, 2024 · Maria Francesca Cabrini (1850-1917) was born in Italy and from a young age desired to live the life of a missionary. In 1877, she and seven ...

  • In wake of new theatrical release, devotees of St. Frances encourage the faithful to learn more about her and recall her faith-focused mission: ‘Her passion was for Jesus to be known, loved and served.’

The Real Mother Cabrini Remembered: 'Her Confidence in ...

8. St. Frances Xavier Cabrini | Biography, Missionary, Immigrant ... - Britannica

  • Sep 20, 2024 · After teaching in Italy, in Vidardo (1872–74), she was appointed supervisor of an orphanage in Codogno (1874). In 1877 she took her vows and ...

  • Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini was the Italian-born founder of the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart and the first United States citizen to be canonized. She is revered as the patron saint of immigrants.

St. Frances Xavier Cabrini | Biography, Missionary, Immigrant ... - Britannica

9. Young Francesca Cabrini - Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

  • In 1863, Frances registered as a boarding student at the Normal School in Arluno, some distance from Sant' Angelo. Her goal was to graduate as a school teacher.

  • Francesca Cabrini, affectionately referred to as “Cecchina,” was born two months prematurely in S’ant Angelo Lodigiano in the province of Lombardy, northern Italy, on July 15, 1850.

Young Francesca Cabrini - Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

10. Frances Xavier Cabrini (Mother Cabrini) - Colorado Women's Hall ...

  • Frances Cabrini was born in Italy in 1850. She received a well-rounded education, and her first profession was a schoolteacher. She was fascinated by stories of ...

  • Credit Suzanne Fasing, Dante Alighieri Society of Denver.

Frances Xavier Cabrini (Mother Cabrini) - Colorado Women's Hall ...

11. Who Is St. Frances X. Cabrini? - Catholic Women in Business

  • Nov 13, 2023 · Frances was born in Italy in 1850. Early in her life, she had a great love of God and a heart for mission work. She joined a religious order, ...

  • Mother Cabrini was a savvy businesswoman who was not easily deterred by obstacles. One of my favorite stories is that when she thought she was being duped when buying a piece of property, she gathered some sisters and, by tying strings together, measured the parcel in the dead of night. She was corr

Who Is St. Frances X. Cabrini? - Catholic Women in Business

12. Mother Frances Cabrini's Legacy, Through the Eyes of One of Her ...

  • Mar 8, 2024 · Sister Pietrina told us how she first heard about Mother Cabrini, how Mother Cabrini's legacy lives on in her own work, and what she wants ...

  • An Interview with Sister Pietrina Raccuglia, President of the Cabrini Mission Foundation and member of the Foundation’s Board of Directors Starting on International Women’s Day, March 8, 2024, the world will have the opportunity to learn more about the life and legacy of our namesake Mother Frances Cabrini, when the feature-length film Cabrini opens in […]

Mother Frances Cabrini's Legacy, Through the Eyes of One of Her ...

13. The Extraordinary Life of Francesca Cabrini to Become a Major Motion ...

  • Nov 10, 2020 · In 1950 she established her own order, that woman was Mother Theresa of Calcutta. "St. Frances Xavier Cabrini has much to teach us at this time ...

  • /PRNewswire/ -- She impacted millions, yet no one knows her name. The remarkable and largely unknown story of Francesca Cabrini, a poor, frail yet...

The Extraordinary Life of Francesca Cabrini to Become a Major Motion ...

14. Francesca Cabrini, an intransigent saint - Daily Compass

  • She is Francesca Saverio Cabrini, an Italian nun, born in 1850, the last of thirteen children. She is the founder of a religious congregation that has the ...

  • Foundress of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, on the advice of Leo XIII she left for America to evangelise and help Italian emigrants. She set up nurseries, schools, boarding schools for students, orphanages, rest homes, and hospitals. She gave extraordinary value to female religiosity and practised charity in a thousand ways. She never compromised with evil. - THE RECIPE: SPAGHETTI AND MEATBALLS

Francesca Cabrini, an intransigent saint - Daily Compass

15. Mother Cabrini Memorial - Battery Park City Authority - NY.gov

  • Oct 12, 2020 · She also founded the Columbus Hospital, which was eventually named the Cabrini Medical Center in Manhattan. During her lifetime, she founded 67 ...

  • Mother Cabrini Memorial

Mother Cabrini Memorial - Battery Park City Authority - NY.gov

16. Francesca Cabrini Film Opens as Her Order's University Closes

  • Mar 8, 2024 · Cabrini, the movie about America's first saint, Francesca Cabrini, opens Friday, as her namesake university in Radnor is preparing to close.

  • Cabrini, the movie about America's first saint, Francesca Cabrini, opens Friday, as her namesake university in Radnor is preparing to close.

Francesca Cabrini Film Opens as Her Order's University Closes

17. Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini - Newman Ministry

  • Nov 13, 2023 · She taught and drew a small community of women to live a religious way of life. In 1880, the orphanage was closed and then reopened by her. She ...

  • St. Frances was born Francesca Cabrini in Lombardy, Italy.  She was one of eleven children from Agostino and Stella Cabrini, who were wealthy cherry tree farmers.  

18. 11 facts you might not have known about Saint Frances Cabrini

  • Dec 9, 2019 · Before becoming a nun, Cabrini was a teacher. She, herself, was taught by the Daughters of the Sacred Heart and had earned a teaching ...

  • 1. Cabrini’s original name was Maria Francesca Cabrini, before she took her vows in 1877 and changed her name to Frances Xavier, in tribute to Francis Xavier.    2. Before becoming a nun, Cabr…

11 facts you might not have known about Saint Frances Cabrini

19. Cabrini, Mother Francesca Xavier (1850-1917) - HistoryLink.org

  • Mar 9, 2000 · In her journeys around the country, she came to Seattle three times: in 1903 to establish an orphanage, in 1909 when she gained American ...

  • Mother Francesca Xavier Cabrini, Saint Cabrini was the first American citizen to be declared a saint by the Catholic Church. In her journeys around the country, she came to Seattle three times: in 19

Cabrini, Mother Francesca Xavier (1850-1917) - HistoryLink.org

20. History of the Shrine

  • The room where Mother Cabrini died has been preserved and is currently on exhibit inside the National Shrine of Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini. The Shrine Re- ...

  • Need video uploaded to Youtube - then iframe here    The Shrine The National Shrine of Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini was built in 1955 to celebrate the life and accomplishments of Mother Cabrini, a missionary woman religious who helped shape America's social and health care system in the early


21. Madre Francesca Cabrini - New Orleans Historical

  • Oct 19, 2018 · As her school and orphanage in the French Quarter continued to take on more poor children, she acquired land on Esplanade Avenue and had another ...

  • St. Frances Xavier Cabrini arrived in New Orleans in 1892, with a charge to help poor Italian immigrants at a time of intense xenophobia in the city. A year earlier, a local lynch mob had murdered 11 Sicilian immigrants. Yellow fever had also decimated the local immigrant community. Mother Cabrini got to work quickly, establishing an orphanage at 817 St. Philip Street in the French Quarter. Born as Maria Francesca Cabrini on July 15, 1850, in Sant’Angelo Lodigiano, Italy, she dealt with poor...

Madre Francesca Cabrini - New Orleans Historical

22. Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini - Colorado Encyclopedia

  • She was the first US citizen to become a saint. She is remembered in Colorado through the Mother Cabrini Shrine south of Golden as well as Cabrini Day, an ...

  • Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini (1850–1917) was an Italian Catholic nun who came to the United States in 1889 as a missionary tasked with ministering to the country’s growing population of Italian immigrants.

What Has Francesca Cabrini Been In (2025)
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