The Atlanta Constitution from Atlanta, Georgia (2024)

3.P ATLANTA CONSTITUTION. Jait. 12, 1982 JJnion Opens Talks 0ver Auto Pacts From Prti Dispatch nesses in an enterprise zone from the minimum wage might be "on the table," Freimuth characterized such an approach as "politically suicidal," and predicted it would fail to win Congressional support. He said that Garcia would not support an enterprise zone plan which called for weakening regulations aimed at protecting worker health and safety. Despite Congressional support for the enterprise zone concept from both liberals and conservatives, some local gov- eminent officials question whether the program adequately addresses the primary reasons for unemployment and urban job loss to suburban communities.

"The main reason for unemployment is because people don't have the skills needed," said John Mathews, deputy direc tor of Atlanta's bureau of budget policy and evaluation. "There is nothing in the enterprise zone package, which addresses the skills issue." He noted that the most important concerns for businesses Considering locating in the City of Atlanta have been the cost of land and the cost of money two additional areas which receive little or no attention under the enterprise zone concept "Only then do they talk about how long it takes to get through all the rules and regulations," Mathews said, Savas concedes that there is no guarantee that the enterprise zone approach will succeed. "This is an. experimental 'j program," he said. "It hasn't been tried before; we think it will work, and it's at least worth trying because we know the old programs based on spending your way to success didn't work DETROIT The United Auto Workers opened historic 'discussions with the auto Industry Monday, facing, industry demands that It agree to replace its existing contracts covering nearly 450,000 members at General Motors and Ford.

The talks, which required special approval by the union's Executive Council for reopening of current are taking place amid the worst industry slump in half a century. Vurreni contracts expire sept. li. "To fail to do anything is to write the death knell for a good part of this industry," said Peter Pestillo. Ford Motor Cos vice president for labor relations.

i negotiations opened at Ford headquarters in suburban Dearborn and began in the afternoon at General Motors' Defrost headquarters. "The companies may demand that the union's rank-and-file -Japan- surrender paid personal holidays that employees of Ford and CM have enjoyed since 1977, according to bargainers from the Continued From Page 1-D the zone or which are willing to move there. There are no specific guidelines as to what state and local governments must propose, however, Savas emphasized. "Each city must decide what works since what makes sense in one city might not Juke sense in another," he said. Businesses in the enterprise zone might be exempted from building and zoning codes or occupational licensing requir-ments, Savas said.

The goal is simple: Since small businesses create the majority of all new jobs in the United States, make it easier for such companies to get off the ground. Normally, starting a business is a difficult task, Savas argued. "Suppose some bright guy designs a better mousetrap and starts out building it in his basem*nt or garage," he said. "Then he finds out that with the tremendous array of state and local and federal regulations, (he). become a tax expert, an accountant, and become an expert on all.

kinds of state and local procedures." For its part, the. Reagan administration proposal calls for the federal government to provide relief from selected federal regulations at the request of the state and local governments sponsoring the enterprise zone, Savas said. Additionally, the proposal includes two general classes of federal tax relief as incentives for businesses in the zone. The first is aimed at encouraging businesses to locate within the zone, Savas said, while the second is targeted to produce new jobs. Both would remain in effect for 20 years.

The HUD official said the Reagan plan will also offer incentives for hiring low income and low skill workers and for retaining them." That is a key requirment if Garcia is to support the Reagan plan, Freimuth said. "We want to guarantee that jobs would go to CETA-type people who live in the enterprise zones," he said, referring to the federal Comprehensive Employment and Training Act "Our bill would require that 40 percent of the jobs would go to CETA-eligible workers." But Garcia is also worried that the administration will use the enterprise zone plan to promote adoption of a sub-minimum wage as well as to gut regulations affecting worker health and safety. While Savas indicated that a proposal to exempt busi J.1IUI1MUICS UU U1C UlllUU. U1U JU WUIS tut siuui ucr woriwito give employees their paid days off and replace them of standby employees, industry experts Negotiations also could focus on company-paid costs for insur care and pensions. UAW President Douglas Fraser said the union would seek the talks, especially protection of members' jobs.

The union also will try to win a seat on Ford and GM's boards ef directors, will seek a greater voice in the company's decision-making process and will seek some kind of profit-shar decision will enable to go Into growing fields without any restrictions," i said an article in Yomiuri Shimbun," Japan's largest-selling national daily, predicting would become "a big competitor for Japan and other countries in the communications industry." At NEC, an official expressed the view that "will go into the data-processing business mainly in America." Whatever the result of the antitrust settlements in terms of competition in the United States, industry sources doubted that Japanese companies would feel the impact at home for some time, "Those settlements are just one 1 dimension," said a spokesman for Hitachi "I do not think one decision will change the whole situation. -A "Indeed," he added, "I doubt if the cases in the VS. will affect our puter market at alL" claims 21.1 percent of the total installations, while Hitachi Ltd. places third with 16.6 percent and NEC is fourth with 14.1 percent Next is Sperry Univac with 10.4 percent Burroughs Corp. with 4.1 percent Mitsubishi Electric Corp.

with 3 percent and NCR Corp. with 2 percent Other manufacturers account for the remainder of working computers in Japan. A spokesman for Fujitsu observed tha( IBM's share of the Japanese market was "decreasing gradually" and predicted that would find it "difficult to enUr the Japanese market" A key ques-v tion was whether Japanese government and industry would ultimately devise a system for preventing from estab-. lishing a major office and sales network -similar to that of IBM. There was little doubt, however, that the antitrust settlement would vastly expand worldwide position.

'The Continued From Page l-D without fear of seeing its gains cut away by an adverse court decision. "The Reagan administration to loosening the antitrust policy of the VS. gov-, eminent," said Asahi Shimbun, Japan's second largest national daily, attributing the change in attitude of the VS. government to Reagan's desire "not to discourage industry." The paper said the solu- tion "symbolizes Reagan's policy." i The and IBM developments come as Japanese industry prepares for a prolonged struggle for. worldwide domination in computers, a field in which it has always lagged behind VS.

manufacturers. Despite increased competition from Japanese companies, IBM still ranks second in sales in Japan and first in terms of value of installed computers, with 27.6 percent Fujitsu, which leads in sales, ing program, saw rraser ana uon r.pnun, uaw vice president of the union's Ford Department "It's not one-way pressure here," said Fraser. "We're willing to be innovative We're willing to explore any possibility." Fraser insisted he didn't "see any prospect at all" of the, -talks extending past Jan. 23. That is the date the union's GM and Ford bargaining councils meet in Washington, where they will consider proposals coming, from the negotiations.

The union's rank-and-file then would vote on ratification. Pestillo said a Jan. 23 target date for reaching agreement on a new contract was reasonable. THE VITAL LINK BETWEEN BUSINESSES fXfwtwMinwM trntmrnftuMmtm mmimvmfmm wmMHi mmmMmmsem I 1 I rLr 11 i CALL TO PLACE BUSINESS ADS 951-Offic Erprrfrtt5uppiM 944 957MHoYy EovaRiMitMoTjinaj POWERS FER6V LAHblNd DUNk Truck. Trailer, iii 6.

TYPEWRITERS DOWNTOWN-Luxury spacious 3 rm. tuil PLUS BA. Ideal Lobby location. Built in Frtnct Cnollsh. Prompt, accu- rt, 20 orf tint 992-0724.

700 n.ft. Including 1 private out-tide offices. Sublet from meior WMM loader wllh 3A backhoe, excellent condition. Faviltevilie 461- clientele for accountant, attorney, Below mark! ttrms, ysa- cora. 745T CALCULATORS, ww, ind dt-monilralort.

Rebuilt IBM' In tactorv carlont In Standard and SMctric Rani and try with option to buy. Sow am Bui Madk, 47a proner. Msumo inci. utn. wan Mariori Henley.

474-3155. Orr Fisher Realty, 5434-B N. Hnry Blvd. 474-1324. PROF.

Olc Locator. Miller Rlty Assc. 254-1499! 201 Allan Rd. rvK9 qa iron, a- itoo. Typewriters tor uia.

raau- BUSINESS II. ilif i ROSWELLApprox. 145 tq. ROOFING Equipment, 1 kettles and related equipment, 1 Ion scissor lift dump. l2-43S-31l5j Nights, 12-M3-729T SHEET Malal aauipmenl.

air mechanical shear, S7500. )0 Chicago leal brake, 5250. 912-435-2115; Nighlt, I2-IU-729I. DOWNTOWN art. turn, wiseciy.

tve avail, can errv 992-4IM. nabtv aricad. Other eHic eoulpmenl. For Wormation call SERVKZS House oi Typewniert, 3-tWl. Meruit.

Prim office space now (valleM in on ol Atlanta' true historic building. AH utilities nd services Included. Excellent rates end ten 960 Shop MoxtwaiTdob WORD PROCESSOR ant allowances. From ROSWELL New, unique office saac. to, excellent location, carpeled, lra parking.

993-1555. ROSWELL 4300 to. fl. Owner llnancino. SANDY SPRINGS.

For sale. 1000-4000 sq. ft. office condo. Next lo Prado.

R. R. Berry 355-0688, 255-7344. 1 Northsid 75. SAW 965-lndwtrialSuWl 967-MtBtiutactimng SuppwM r-wi C0MMERQAI LU INDUSTRIAL lSM REAL ESTATE 977 RtloJ 980-Muttital Span, UovtSoW 982-OflwiUoitSolt 985-IttoillaniUtSol par to, n.

cm S23- CUT INFLATION BUSINESS SERVICES 'AccounrrBookkMpvg AoVeThrjirffjySjgpjf 'AniweTtntj SirvKM CMnputrHM lrotoPrttf4lff 1 'Efflptoyntwit Sofvtcti EiKurivi Itovitirvg DOWNTOWN SUBLEASE with this PRODUCTO SAW LINE PRICED AT $26,000 ROSWELL 424 HOLCOMB BRIDGE RD. 905 AatwtKigBooHi pi9 BOOKKEEPING. Payroll 8 Audi! Svct. McFerlend 8 Allocs 252- eMiifiii at nav a EQUIPMENT MACHINERYSUFPUES Ask Dun or Jerry About Below Market Rale on Financing Your ewi I niu BLVU t.VJr wv. tt.50 per sq.

It. Immed. yr. term. Coalad JOHN HARRI Stll.

Exec, tulles wcomp. ofc sves. GIRL FRIDAY 990-1344. SANDY SPRINtS tq. ft.

Prim location. WiB consider hyonangiuvimtloan rurcnase ftw SON, 910 AntwtringTtUi CPT mod! 420011, eneetlenl condition with larvice contrect. 12500. 7W-5064, ibm memorV So ibm memory 109 ibm mag card a All exceHenl condition end under IBM MA. Factory rebuilt electronic Wi correclint Setactrlc ll's and Setectrlc I' lso evailtM.

377-IW, 377-1W4. OHIO Scientific CIP-DF Compuler -Dual eight Inch Floppy, 4IK ram, IK rom, color video and alt soflwara. Contact Den Crech, 434-0W4 or 432-7543. TWO IBM Mag Card Under tl2W each: Two Selectrlc II Typewrllar MOO each; Selectrlc I Elite, 1200. Typewriters Nonor-ractlng.

329-57M. QYX WORD PROCESSOR, Laval earl. 255-240 or 355-211. an or 950 CftMt hinuturt SPECIAL Ask for Mr. Pugh.

UingR.nlol 9W-iMitfl, SANDY SPRINGS MACHINE SHOP ACKERMIAN COMPANY 100 Tower Place 262-7171 ACTION TELEX A TELEX ANSWERING SVC Your low coil llrnaKv In tending and receiving Telex messages worldwide. CM 452-0502. EXECUTIVE SUITES CREOENZA 1100, dask tac ac. tl25ilH, III cab. 275, Boo cam ISO, ttorag cab.

140, IBM lypewrltw 1125, 4M-0. DESK, Eiacutlv-72x3. Malch- TT4 vwrriiaiiuuf mvesf. ritraiif 995-lnmlment Pnpwty Wonttd 997-taoJbfAixfons (11 Quelity 3 Axil Meesurement DUNWOODY 1-25 base Mw Th ultimate In tingle offices and I room suites. Complete services, 256-0450.

SANDY Springs. Ofc for Sublet. Mcrufl.5un. ina iraoanza. wao.

iii-waa. deluxe offic space. 500 or 1,000 920 taocutiv txruitiwg 'MOMJtllMlrt COMuheAQ IMnHngCopying SkMntaaTvoina StracM ssrWMVIMIIliB flin drPI Wfhmw Ttfnpofwy Htlp Travtl SwvKt (1) Bridgeport CNC-I Muling DESK. (L-thaptd) 44x30" to, tt. prime location.

aeR-con- January thru latned. ra-im, yzi-ioe. -RECRUITING 8 consulting services. ABR, hie. 5.

Adam 953-3413. Formica lop. 44kM" Lxttuion. W4-lSt Evanlngv nished. Secretary 8 Svcs.


Matching work labia i crialn. AccnsorlM. 4S7- a. ranaci for Attorneys on ice. Small payment for equity I et-sum laasa.

Office nouns. 352-W71 SANOY SPRINGS Ask Dean or Jerry About Below Market Rates For Financing Your Purchases at 404325-WM. SEE CLASSIFICATION 435 IN HISTORIC RENOVATION Entire 2nd floor, or I suites 4- conference I 935 VriiihvMCopyMQ SHARE our new copy machine Panning Point. Convenient, low wi.6viiMm4narmiioa IBM Carrecllna Salactric II. two RETAIL OFFICE avail Up to 1.900 soft room tq.

n. jm-iw. typing eHmentt, pad. dust cover. coit par copy.

352-219. TOOAT'S LLAMJIHbO fOK MORE SHOP MACHINES AND Dahl Cochran 8 Associates, 3300 GEORGETOWN SQUARE eiceiiem conqmon. w. wwj. wortneast cxpy.

wyrrt. TOOL. 937 SacralBnolTypajJ Striata Wchina. From 230 to 5000 sa ft Avail. In IBM SekKlrlc Ills In box.


FRI NOON FRI VERTICAL Milling Bridgeport typ. MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN sought attar Dunwoody location on till. OFFICE FURNITURE RENT with option to buy DAV-WEEK-MONTH-YEAR BUY at discount ericas ALL In sfoek-FREE delivery OPEN S'4 Day ARTUIE OFFICE SUPPLY CO. IIS) Piedmont Rd NE I-IS Monro Dr. Exit 404H75-777I Exec ste.

weomo. ofc aves. OVERNIGHT WORD PRnCESSINGTYPINtV NEW IBM SMC Ill's mw in slack GIRL FRIDAY 255-5015 962 CartsJiutlian Suppliat for rmrned. del Below mnf. eric, ce ABM 325-1000.

10.000. CompuScrW el Atlanta. It I-mi 145-1393. 980-Mut COMMERCIAL Bldg. for leas.

55,400 Id. FT. Frontag on Hwy 29 Shannon Oaks Office, whs, (hop, ratal, whole i erea. Healed Wrse with loading dlst. Good txposur to x-way.

dock and show rm. 4,000 tq. If. Load dock, drive-in door isriak, $1,000 mo. on minimum 3 vr.

lease, heavy dec, to. fenced area. Tommy Lee M3-0583 Davt, 963. Sale Lease bv owner 433 Evening. 434-479 GOING into the retail business? No overhead, low rent, no deposits, move right- In.

THE FLEA MAR- AVAILABLE SO. FOOTAGE KET AT FOREST SQUARE, 455 4M oHic PRIME LOCATIONS AT RENT YOU CAN AFFORD In lTimc.U,lSiA-r4,illi,-.i. ChM8 GrIHIn, Newnen, Duluth, Smyme, cu WTJ.NL Butdrd Hwy. or metro Atlanta uni enu uiii i a aicai Helpern Enterprises, 451-031. o-JSl-S0N' HUUTSajsW.

BARGAIN tl.ta if. 7U60 'iP Two tid li sprnk ac bur. alarm, loc 1-20, Hrti.Rlty72aWPIreeaal-lM3. PAYTILL6 atn ImuCiL Select from an inventory of new 'w trwusmoi apoc, uarrn act nd occupied diitribu- AVONDALE to. ft.

Air conditioned, 2 loadino dock. SF t2.00sq. ft. m-1406. 14041 BUCKHEAD 2 77 acs.

(Mil i0 SQ. ft. ol warehouse rental PrlPrSp5 (snPiadnil RiMn': MARTA SttL, Lrg. Ofc. ATM.

P' Several Other Shoot 8 For mjormalion all Mr. Bean, 394- Lea. or Sara wOwner Will Consider Trad for Other Real Et- COMMERCIAL Building for renlor late. 254-9560. lease.

Littl Fiv Poinlt, CHAMBLEE Warehouse oflice Mtm IWtlndt space, 4600 ta ft, 2.54sa ft. On darkroom. 61-5220. P'lre Ind. Loading dock 8 drive- DEKALB REALTV l6.

In doors. Ed Krick, 072-1109. 16. Bldg. 377-6411 Decatur 1 tq.

avail. DRAPER-OWENS RLTR. March, 1982. Also 1-05 North. 2,500 200 NORTH CREEK 162-7311 sq.

AC, crptd. office. 4' high rsi'y. IrnrMUBMSol INDUSTRIAL ACREAGE New Space finished to your specs. FORSYTH el utililiet.

Grey 30 mln. to Atlanta airport, Pallillo field Reelty Co. 1190 McFarland Jo Simpson. 93-e3o4. Rd.

475-0400, Brlc Rivet. CUMAMNG Metal Buildin7T555 W'HOUSE. space for mach. 8 ta It. 1 loading docks, air condi- equip.

SiebokJ Jr. tiorted, 4Vi acres, toned industrial, .1 natural gat, I mllet north ot Cum- ming. Phone 475-1444 or 087-378. 990 8sJenriol Inywt. mperty ,1 DORAVILLE Localion-Offic uArtu BRAND NEW Warehouse tpac avail.

2-12. EVERGREEN CONSTRUCTION 1 For Info cat! 455-0054. cBKtoictBi lunsihuliiun FULTON IND. 4.000-168.000 TAim Oil so. ft.

Win complete lo your specs. Ll A rUU OMLt NORTHRIDGE CROSSING l-ei NbRtH 8 Jimmy Carter "Zm MtfolM Btvd 20 000 flOdxprtway. 14( 47-'HS- per unit MARIETTACANTON HWY. 3S5rSfedyr' 5,000 So. Ft.

Bldg. for rent or sale 5 FINANCING AVAILABLE 200 Amps, 3 Phase Electric No Roswelt Rd. and Northridg Rd. asentt pleas. 934-9300, Monday- EVERGREEN CONSTRUCTION Friday, 9-5PM.

447-4146 MARIETTA, 400 Glover SI. Ware- ROSWELL house or manufaclurina bldg. LOCATION, LOCATIONI 000 II. S1J0H. Rail, plenty, ol fi-400 Hokomb Bridge Rd.

parking. Avail Feb. I. Ptui BRANO NEW TOWNHOMES Grlgsby, owner 231-013. WILLIAMSBURG STYLING MARIETTA, 424 Glover St.

For leas mefi Iruck terminal, 13 HOLCOMBS CROSSING I Ireiler spaces, reil, adequate park- lus.wiiiirx uiwuvnsu In. Paul GrigsDv, owner; 231-0134. JOINT VENTURE fak? NORTON PROPiRTtESBOBt CQ. 't 8 dock high doors, sale or leas. Paltillo i Carttl.

Co, Jo Simpson, 254 Fee Simple ToOThOnieS 938-6344., NORCRiSS-MfREECRNRS;" 'i 6000 to 18,000 sa tt. evailaoie kn- Mid 50 1 medialely with or without office Finareirif space Priced below normal lees relet. Meal lor tma mfg. giant, UOSirej Cost Paid By Semr repair shoos or warehouses.

By owner. 448-ien. PROPERTY MGMT AVaUBLE NORCROSS 4,400 tq. ft. with pleasant 00 tq.

ft. office, easy ec- 009 flWL cess 3 mint, from l-S (I Jimmy 330-1)113 -k Carter Blvd. Attractive lease) Cat owner al 448-7000 or 955-1)64. 991 Ctwttxoal rftyett. Proparty aa HUGH DUSKIN 262-7311 DRAPER-OWENS Rttort.

200 Nnrthcreek. All. MEDICAL PLAZA CROSS TIES S.50each. 992-9151. OYX Level 4 Ward Processor 'OITkb Ajnttlvft Offict IsuiorMiitSufioeiM TYPING dona ovtrnlghl on IBM 1-1721 475-4(21 ouwmant.

H-osao anar 5 JO. DIRT WANTED 799-747J E. Cobb County, 4001 Canton Hwy, 2 tulles left, gractic etleb-lished here wil test tor 50 veers. HEALEY BLDG. 944 955 fVnirEqutpnwtt AIR CONDITIONER, 5 ton, 3 ONE MAN OFFICES DISPLAY DEADLINE 6 tM.

wmtmqptfmm thi day befchw ths Havy EquipmwtfVdv)t ncjn-Disihav deadune FOR INFORMATION ON RATES SEE CUSSIFlCATIOrl'44 In mone Tw-Tujs. Awci -J rr ,1... From 200 so. ft. Al ulHi.

and sera. TOUAT'5 CLASSIFIED FOR ones, sw. wj-ymt. Icet. Downtown area.

Excellent MUNb BUILDING MATERIALS. BEAUTY Shaa Eou nmanl. Cam. LEASE-PURCHASE OFFICE FURNITURE duality Brandt At SAVINGS! Desks. Files, Showcases, Tablet, Chein.

Atlanta Fnturi Sate Co, he On MS between Stiatowford Rd nd OwmbuM-Tuckar Rd 455-K44 ncetion. sa uu par to, it. ta sa- RECORD STORAGE Cal 4S7-11S5 IANGLEY RECORD STORAGE lerence Room. Wet Bar. 1100 Sa to SuoKise.

2 Years Left on Leas. Localed al Cumberland 8 AND TYPE SIZES, SEE THE CLASSIFIED SECTION GARAGE Doors. (2) 9 with open plate operator. Excetent Cond SI. 000 Wrm.

261-5271. ers, sjg. ui-im ttr ohm. ejz-jojj. ar-auva.

HOWELL MILL RD. 1 1-7S CASH REGISTERS USED MEDICAL SPACE NORTHLAKF ABFA SHOP Tlma, Wakling-PolMino-Grlndlnt-Plac Work-Aluminum Park Plac offic Park, localed at Howe Ml Rd. 8 1-75 Suite from 400 to 1,000 so. It. Wl remodel lo1 tuit at competitive rale.

Call 1050 sa ft. avail. Feb. 192. Re Warehouse Clearance Sale dtamtau iaai.

u.f.r. yaa-mi. 3 exam rms. wslnks, led, OTT'te, flflV. BW.

JM'tltl. NEW USED Desks, chairt fit WHOLESALE OFFICE FURN Koaov vvnit, jw-eua. 91S-UningIrtei CIGARETTE Machine, Fawn Real wood, ISO and paymentt. 433- fOLUTER. bin OftOINA.

Heavy duly, rutty automatic, programmable, upper nd lower electronic sheet detectors, duel counter and receding sleeker. Sheet ROSWELL RoadMariatla. smal Uth St. NW betw. Norlhtid WHIlt a ASSOCIATES 1 Park Plac 1900 Emery SI.

NW ottice tactiitv, choice location. ana howm mm. -jeyi. excellent Investment, low down wt put uso (mice furniture. omnia, s.

will payment, owner llnanctna. J.D. III urn wiinams. a2 -jjae. al Atlanta Office Furn.

Co. INTERSTATE NORTH1-75 i 25 70 So. Sub-La, thn thru a "i i I JL. Ill mmt it m-jhoSftiimrfoWiirtn wiiTtwi 11- OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT NEW and USED OWc Furniture. Jtf-j.

Avail, VM-vit. Cobb Center It. avaflabl. 9'IWl3 KT Uf7 IV Ml Jl. U.

21,000 sheets per hour. Uke new) ttko. 254-347 COPIER. AB Dick WO. Automatic for e-l7xll- manual lead olhar i ous rwwee mm Kd ri.w K2i: 74-4I71 tr.Hn.

anon term was eccept able. Owner. 45S-40M. 1-285 1-85 ft NORTHPCMNT OFFITF PABSf HAIRS. CABI- suei, sjuu.

nr-ej. 1 man ofct, to 4000 II ties. EXECUTIVE Suites loc Evens Ml 8 T-20. S120 8 up. Full service COPIER.


S24I NEW PEACHTREE veers. utiirneettn ctuo mc inn. SJWO. J4-JTf7. Newburgar-Andes.

2g Hiioer brand 254-3061. OFFICEBUSINESS BLDG. Foi 1-285 1-85 North NORTKSIDE AIR TERMINAL FLAT ban File, tt'xd'' Special Also Usrcll Jck COMMftaAl INDUSTRIAL REAL ESTATE tM 1 aVtA tC litlu 702, r77. Wei matntainad. (1,300.

455-7707. DISPLAY Catet, Kales, meal saw, register, lobster rank, Sale. 1J00 sa ft. next to N. Dekalb MaH Excellent loan auumpt.

Don Lee. 296-4143. spaert, n-4Hi. Dir. AcciV I IU torial and Perking Ind.

993-K90 or 955-lWiEairXft 957-Hovy tuipfMntmohirfM Restaurant Equipment, aii CAT biM 45A26453 r6ps tin rroes. Unused. China, dishwasliars. Bled. 75UC.

Wench, sji 00a tc JW-5U2. 2-21 Yerd Scrappers. I25.W0. RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT JSTLow Boy. S49O0.

l-77-2002 FROM ESTATE 1-77I-60II. Dr. Refrloerateri-rnixert CAT (27 Screper, CAT J421 R.ngs-Convctipn Ovens ScriMr, rnlernaiional 1041 Trac- Cish Washert wire Rack lor. Ferro Grading 482-1731. fcSSPjar CAT T41B.

1975, ROPS, excellent 45y57oir condition, new undercarriage. 3- RESTAURANT EOUIP Cra. Austin Western tt. Siicers, Tablet, Shake Mechlnes. fSrarsTii.

Dlrv cm. TDnnr wholesale prices. Jim Portwood, BUT Stlt TRADE davt 12-125Vniohti 422-1417. Dir. SHEAR Mi" by W.

Rockwel FORKS Hvdra power thnr. by brMrairo "SUPER FORKS" W7I GMC dKsat tractor with 45" ul ul 1 StTUSWi 1978 Hyster S50C $8,500 '80 Hyster H80C $18,000 Aid for Dean or Jerry About mi iahhiiia Below Market Relet on Financing nHOPPIMI; PflPTQ Your Purchases. 4O4K5-W30. OnUrrillU lftlIO t.lerpmarbMi, USED 974 3110 DLR Tele dlta model 4 JTEEL CHEAP Row. As new.

11200. SM-OOva. 577-5005 TELEX MACHINE TAaIlERS-ALL klNbS Siemens 1000 Pedeslel typ. S3000 L-Boyt, nalbtds. utility, office Llk new.

QS3-3740. equip. Out- TELEX-ilemans-jl, vrt. eld. tld M0-241-5B03.

13 Wi II. 975 metal, illpood condittorl 214- QUAINT OfficeRetail Space. 1500 SPARTAN LNCOLN MERCURY freezer, cower, rz-wu, wt-azir. i 1-1! NAbTsl fex 34 1 saawarl Aw. HapavMa 7M- IRPORT sa ft.

ware- prominent vir.fHigniand Area. Can Monday, 74r PLEASANTDALE OFFICE PARK DISPLAY Counter. tool, glass top and Ironl. list. NI-7207 attar oooi tvouse with office Large parking aew.

or sff-puil. tot. ticetient axetion. an Nor-mn Berry Dr. 489-1102.

BOB HURST IIAZOAPfUaOT Foraat Part 36a-4 tOO New offic spaces. Suites from 200 up to 4000 So, Fl. Vary competitive rate. Includes utilities, cleaning and parking, Cal 447-9554. Brokers ADAMS Catet Company Realtor 522-5477 Peechtree Center rapTco a acuv-iAct AUDIO-VIDEO EQUIPMENT ia tteei.

iar, uocx ooaras. ue- AIRPORT East PI. singles-suiles. Free perklr, ianilorlal tve 8 urn. SOUTHIRN IWCOINMRCIIRY eo-u.

RenM. deny to ton term teatine. 1100 Spring 404 73-3981 ererestionel video ip 17U feod Oacato tn-im ELECTRIC GenarelorOnan. Par- rrotecteg 1-25 05. Below mkl.

Jones I Rowetl. 3297 939-6540. tnci. ee-uv. i.J fect lor ml farm or radio sta PROFESSIONAL AUTO LEASING duplicalioin and post aroduc- mnmwwH mil.

rain. mvwi- mtty 850 to, ft. Office and tion, r.uw. stickidei automatic RT COLDWELL Banker 8 Co 229 Peachtre SI 654-1313 PRIV. ofct from S9 255-1721 Cherokee Rl 175 Wleuca Rd SpadaRy In Mama 47-MM iioa nr corp.

ano prot. use. change over panel 42-47M Rest Rooms, hoo per month eluding utilities first veer. waoia, nc AVAILABLE evenings, zei-eeun oavs. AMBCO4WBF0R0 3StOPaaeMnMM1-B400 ELECtRlC sign cm Ixlf.

slSi BRIARCLIFFCLAIRMONT OFFICE SPACE COPIER, Paper, xc*nt 977 ReHil Scote, LeonSol in -tig. cononion. low price. jtt-xrr. First Floor Hloh Rise BARANCO LEASMG RENTAL 42M Contngton 24-4400 DALY LEASING 9934414 aihhuki center.

i.J. keppwi Co. Rl. 1377 Ptree. 092-lW.

FILE CABINETS COPIER-Minoit EP-310, only months old. Nd to t. Call 975 W. PEACHTREE NE 1475 So, Ft. tnfn e-9070 NORTHSIDE DR NR 1-75 BUCKHEAD.

1134 to. It. Prival siev. utrs, 43-wiSb ritgntt, M- 1240 Alpharattt noaal pain, r-ree perxtng. tmarr sta 01.

At l-85-Great location ATLANTA ADDRESS ON BUSLINE it 8 1 RM OFFrCEV' NtWLV DECORATED ANSWER SVC I SECTY AVAl From 190 Ind UtlM 8 Janllor 321-4050 NORCROSS, attractive, well maln- CRAM-DALY LEASMG tree a leamont a-yl. COPIER. Minolta. EPW). Excel.

lelned Vlclorlen, available fori Home. View-Stream-Woods. Estes Reelty. Hwy 129 South. l-65-3IIL Collect, COBB cTft -Modern ,464 ft.

ofc bldg. 1200,000. Very good financing. Peechstete Prop. Inc 12 Perimoler USED 4 FIREPROOF 974-3110.

dlr GARMENT RACKSLIKE NEw" lent condition, torn supplies In- romrnerciai lease, m-uai, rm- BUFORD HWYl-285 ciuoea. saw. we-ajj. 2(1-7600. Al makaa inodda.

buy your praaam car. HAYES LEASMG 963-5240. OPIERMlnolta. Like new. llTsT rt6 FStS 5 ALL TYPES ai-aMa.

ken ururtner. Space avalitbl, very compelltiv raits. Ful commiuion lo krokart. 100-4400 to, fl. Prof.

Exec, offic a-auaa. akaa.WI buy your old ear. BUCKHEAD otfice tpaca 1 avail Sentord Hanks 352-0015 COPY Machine desks. Misctl' aaa-1 ur. space avail, ant-jew.

NORCROSS-P'TREE CRNRS. PROFESSIONAL Bid in Birming-nam, AL. Creel oppor. In beautiful able. 7.S0sa ft ISO to 500 Sa Ft.

leneout owe tuppiies. M-itL POTAMKM LEASMG Wortd'a Largaal Daafev Uaalng 111,140 SQ.R. WAREHOUSE BRIDGE CRANES, RAIL 30 FT. CLEARANCE SPRINKLER SYSTEM 4400 SQ.FT. OFFICE OUTSIDE STORAGE CALL WALTER BODEN JOHN HUNSINGER 8 CO 119 Peechtree Road 351-613; 955-1769 LAIRMONT-fJfiRTk tltk- I ID nbl (Ufl Contact Clark Price 241-1640.

Kent PRINTERS DELIGHT 1 1966 Harris 4-Color Onlv DESK 34X72 Executlv, Crdwu 400 lo IW0 so. ft. evailaoie im-medlatelv with or wlthoul ware- investment a sttry, jijj Aupie J3I-BY3, 3-Toy. sa n. new mag.

for investors endor Tennenlv Prim toco. In heavily populated growing area. Day 20S-i4-9WO. Night 205-99- mm Maaau ano MooaM. awa- lug.

FRANK JACKSON LEASMG 4 ur. GLASS SHOWCASES Ciolhtn recks, mannequins. ALL kinds used slore flKiure. Atlanta Surplus. 173-JUNK LAUNDROMAT EQUIPMENT1.

cabintint, other miscellaneous' ot-fice eouipment. 234 Newport Road, nous spece. Priced below normal tease rales. By owner. 41-1 11 NORTHEAST, vt Vedavo Way BUCKHEAD TOWERS i2og tq.

it. 1500rnonln, Mr. Free- PAVING CO. JAN. 16TH AM, EST 10TH AVE.

LINWOOD COLUMBUS. GEORGIA unum. RENT-A-CAR 256-3370 Attanta'a ONE STOP laatlng Cantar In Sandy 8prlnga. All Pro MMm or Jerry about our below market rales on llnancmg DICTATING eoulomenl. new and wear, amen snop, lenasceping.

30010 5,000 So, win dlvld and finish to suit: Pnchlrt Rd. address; Ire parking and on Maria man 457-1757. D'TOWN Retalr-Nr. 3000 ft. Low rete.

524-8234. 1-iS NORTH Jlmmv Carlar FOR Sale or Acre Crlrn commercial properly, ocated near Parkway General and 1-20. near Si Flag Georgia. yseo, mmf micro atenoero. Below normal retell.

sncL Dep. Ra, Commercial typeSpeed Quean top loading automatic Washers, 11-20 lbs, 1250 each. (12) 30 lb. commercial Dryer. $300 eech.

(1) co*ke Machine, lioo74S-27vl, altar NORTHWEST ATLANTA' MIMEOGRAPH Machine AB Dick S25. also Dllto Duplicator. tn- va-iii-wui. your press ALL Kinds of Used Store Fixtures Dept. Store, Variety Store, Restaurants, Supermarkets, Office Warehouse Equtprrvanl Nation's Laroast Dealer Blvd.

4700 ta ft. On axprauway. But una Broxert invnea M.G. HE ISLE 8 CO Suite On 2944 Peechtree Rd 237-1537 V) ACRES-Csmmarcial Prim 400 ta ft. warehouse w.

3 ac offices, truck loading dock, beat. NOUMEA LEASING MTERNATIONAL 2242 Paaomraa MVONO MTCHELl MOTORS LEASMG aeisp'wwmd. Bivd46t-6111 McNAMARA LEASMG MC. pm. pap CUTTER, ChalLEn4E, tt'iV' power clams and knife.

8 Jimmy Carlar ADis-Ctumbers Motor Grader, Asphalt Spreader, Mac Diesel Trucks, Hubert I Gallon Rollers, etc Terms MINI-Computr Svsltm LWOO 1-15 NORTH1 Blvd. 20.000 to. Avanaoia now, m-vfii. n. on txprnsway.

BUnd Enterprises 971-3110 Prim office space available. Com- BUCKHEAD-400 to. It. 1 office tuil. Mael Dr.

Reasonable. Nich uurrougns. tomotate accounting software and payroll erooram In ExceHenl condition. 13,500. 254- yrtMl.

Location. Reedy far Business Center In Rapid Growth Are. 15 Mile South of Airport. Owner -7-434U Evenings. OWNER Lerg antique horn, lotted business, offices, condomini- 000K PLACE pellllv rates, 300 to, ft.

to 11,000 tq. ft. 934-7722. MERCHANT wAnTE6 -Cash, Cashiers Check or Bank let cluded. Pleese cal and com by olas, 215-644: 325-0118 Hetmer 4241 UVWa Road, Tuokar 93S- U.S.

Floor, Truck Mounting, Car-pet, Stm Cleaner. Used only 300 hour. Include hoses, sielnless steel high pressure wind. Very PRESi-X. 6.

6lck 350. Excellent Who cen us proven gross sales of ana tea. awaz-aMA. neaity, mi tit xwy. condition.

552-660. NW568 14TH STREET TELEX Machina" over tiuu si airport area. 3 Siemai ins T- Prestlokxis offlceserv Iceware BUCKHEAD. 544 to. I ft.

Private urnvjj-woo. vrt eld. bath. Fret Parking. Pttarr Rd.

bet. DLD NAT VILL 5C DOLPHIN HOMES 344-3558 1000 wpedaslel Excellentl 955-7474 exlB3. V90O TED RUSSELL LEASING lnBuokhaad.2-7rr PAID ADVERT18INQ gooo cononion, uvn cast), yu-5205. ComDlete carpet service. 4000 SQ.

FT. 6UILSltsl6 lor tela with loading dock, toned tor com- RACKS, Shelving, lockers work-benches, new used. Large ojuen-lllles, various tint. Husky Sys house spec al Jimmy Carter Blvd 8 I-IS. 5,000, 4,000, 1,000 tq ft bey.

Dock-high loading, eneriv Modern brick paneled, carpeted. Ideal lor Altornevi, CPA'S. Seles, etc 100 to 1000 so. tree a pieomow it-Mri. ter ol Credit R.

CLARKE GOETTrNG WC. UAL NO. 292 (404) 296-2089 P.O. Box 773 Stone Mountain. Ga.

30f)R6 COMPLETE Carpel cleaning equipment lor sal. Taka over merciai use, tii-num. tems Wi-auu. fl. LawMBrary avail.

Phone I7e- BUFORD HWYl-285 NEW CAMBLETON PLAZA ENCLOSED MALL attic lent construction, custom of flee design. Contact Perry Ellison: aCKFDMAMADAIR pevmentt. Writ or call: 912-71- Spec AvallaM. very competitive gM. Mr.

Reese, Tin bray High-way, Aperlmenl G7, Macon 312 IL i tav or wri-am. peacHYree bl66. (Wl 1 BEST RATES IN MIOTOWN 957-Hte uiprnMlModiiMt 957rlayy tVrNiiMtMochiMi 957-Hovy uijMfnlMoin Realtors 262-7171, 100 Tower PI AMC RlTV. bEALING IN APtiT 875-7986, S47 D.L. AVE 30308 Spaces available from 264 10 1300 sq.

It. For leasing information Call relet, utilities, lanitoriat, paramo. FuH commission la proktrt. 451- w.w COERS, STEINEMANN CO. 404-237-9097.

1401 W. Paces Ferry Rd. iANDERSVILLE. GA. ROMATSU oeE winch oc cab.

LOST LEASE at ji-roa3. Avoid the downtown traffic and i is. PERSHING POInTPEACHTREE Mull SeH. Conveyor, malal stratv. tin minutes from anything you 134 Peachtre SI 577-5300 "HEAVY DUTY BftnGAinS" pNUN I ALit HnlAII Utia Mr rttnl ing, motors, drives, carpet roll, no.

ism. JD510 LoaderHo. 117,000. 312 exe, Cal 128T grader, one cat, STOOL UIM A aWwu TliVWt CONNIE Ros 8 Assoc tell Incom neeo. ah utilities ano services ma.

Prim offic space and liberal Ian- 65 iq. n. mi ivy-i6i a. 40,000 tq. II new space.

Lease macntne. wtLfi Century Center BELOW MARKET RATE 5000 So. ft. Blake Perry Rlty. MO No.

Druid Hills Rd. S.IO P.S.F.MO. sate tiq r.a.r. tg XEROX Copier. Model 4500 with POWERS FERRY properties 2-533, 1174 Pled.

REDD 8 BALbvviN REALTORS' 214 Heeley 521-2258. acret axpanatoi. patiiito Lonst riuwj. uvii avuv, lHC5t loeder, 4-ln-l bucktl, ant allowances for decor. Pkg.

avail. From sq ft al 17.50 per sq ft. Can 04-7024. PEACHTREE CantarGai Llotil coilator. Approximately 3 Veer old.

Under service contract. Corpo joe aimpson, yja-ajaa. 1 AT TERRILL MILL RD. SUWANEE For leas 1500 so. 371-0272; 434-71 ration nai purcnesea terger m.

bldg. Plus 10,000 II. covered stor- cntne. s.nucx rioep u-- in. Grove Sltvtdor hyd crn, 4000 lbs, 40 nrt, 111,000.

Oardaner-Denver 400CFM comp, CHAMBLEE convenient P'tree Ind. location. ml. Inside 1-25. Tower.

Subieese. I or 2 offices plus secretarial space. Other services negotiable. 577-4900. aoa on acre, aja-rar, ni-riii.

NEWI TRS-M Compulert equip. I Good rale, ru service emole 997 geol Estct Auction HUDSON 8 MARSHALL, INC A limited (mount of retail space remains (I Terri Mill Junction, new high quality specially center in prestigious Eesl Cobb County. For mora Information on this high Income, high volume trade are pleas contact Jebco Ventures, I unKnidiuiiv mm. 200 sq.ft. warehouse spec w300 PEACHTRHiT Office save lo-ntk.

Lonsuning, instai lion training avallebie. R. Hen derson i. Associates. 457-S453.

perxing, various tit available. Corners. Galllon 4-4 roller, ni. ilMO. sq.ft.

ottic, lUi'mo. CM Bi Spec Avail. David Lee 44I-I222, JZ5-IVJ5. Realtor! 1 Auctioneers ToH Free- Ga. 1-100-342-21 pyro, axa- iwxi.

CHAMBLEE Dunwoody 8 1-25. APPLE II PLUS with 4jk. Cell lor deteils. Work-4IS-M07. Homr- PERIMETER CENTER Ravoo Rtbei roller Willi IriMr.

titul OulsMe G. T-I0O-I41-94O0 WHSESHOP1M-90M II. Mid- Attrctive saactout con mmom parking. 451-072. TjK-ropa.

RETAIL Kobe's town. Budget rate. an-yjM. Why settle tor less? Exec tuft. 1 tm.

Hvho mounted 1973 CMC Ian- 1 IfinlhiTiAtJ COLLEGE ParkTwoS Riverdalel priv onic. stcpanttc try. Toco HID, Sag Hill nd Hal gem. satHV. Palnl-ilrliilna matMna.

tiV3 jye-zwi. naven snooping centers, ror inror- 3 ACRES 1-75 ANO 85 SOUTH PALLET RACKS A SHELVING Kd. 1 mile south ot Airpori. zog sq. It -1W0 sq.

ft. available. tM-eOM, WVK4WO loedw forks, buck! I tnaiion cat) m-uii, loco l. T0b6 AucTiOn C6. Thi South'! oldest auctloneerv 531 Broad Rom, GA (404) 191- 7M7, GA 377-2634.

"NOTHING SucceVdsTlk Sue-cesi" Sprout Demptey 8 Sont Auction 320 W. TMtd SI, Rome, GA. 291-0745, Suit to share, iucieate smet pvt. REMNANTS from Srnrl's Store. yvr-osv, "llECATUR bOWNTOWN BLI oecKnge, wuuv.

Tamp etoui-drum sheep toot Freight termiiKial bide, has 4.000 ft RoTwELL Delightful collate lor soma services. jvs-qtB. recquats, hangers, shoes. 961-7107 Full tves. Individual executive rani commercial aree Suitable Dozers: 1-1976 FA 3700 HRS 120.000 I-1978FA-14C-GOO0C0ND.

1-1979 FA. FLIO-A STEAL $18,000 1-1976 FA -FLIO-ANOTHER STEAL 1-1973 AC-H016-DEPENDABLE ViSSS' 1-1970 AC HD21- "SUNDAY SPECIAL $6,000 i 1-1970 CAT DBH SEASONED QUALITY 1-1978 KOM D35S- GOOD VALUE $77,000 1 1-1974IH-TD25-REAS0NABLE $25,000 1-1975IH-TD2S-AGOOOYEAR fZB.OOO 1-1979IH-TD6E-SUPERBIII $29,000 Loaders: 1-1977 K6wi D55S- PARTS? 1-1977 KOM-D31S-ONLY 2200 Hr. $22,000 1.1976CAT-977L.WONTUST I25S2S 1-1975 IH-HBOB-STILL LOADING $24,000 1-1970 IH H90E-NO EARLY RETIREMENT $15,000 JD 644- YOU'LL LIKE IT $23,000 'i 1-1978 040K-IVIIM40LE EXPERT 59-259 1.1973iH3S0Tru-ROCKS,ETC. $26,000 1-1979 EAGtR BEAVER 40 Ton Lo-Boy $11,000 JERRY, LARRY, DEAN and MIKE WILL ARRANGE BELOW MARKET RATE FINANCING 404325-0930. Vla m4im mm mm tit mm mmmmmu mm tlt oKsceolus storaee.

15.000 ft ttock PERSHING POINT etter ar-tvi. BtSTAURANT-Complele Equip- sums, tout tocanon next to ue- tor srnei ortica or retail oay busi-nest. Ample parking. I block trcm For shsi, newly renovated ore and small shop. Only 2 miles from 5 Cese 59C toadVpeckho.

eten-dehoe, 200 hrs, Ilk new, 120,000. Pole Mesler Hyd. Digger Derrick Mudel PM40-55E mounled on 1977 meni tor mw. jv4- imu. latui kud imc uov i ovrct I MARTA, reasonable rale.

371 ine square. For inquiries cal yy. Points. Sale or lease. Can Hal Den- 0645 OT 2J1-IJM.

Lea Waldnp Auction Co. Gainesville, GA 534-013; T. LYNN DAVIS AUCTION CO. 4459 Macon, 7M-409I COMPUTER PRINTERSTCentron' Lei Lnavrowt utu. bony, 115,000.

SALE- SANOY SPringT or ks in. sacritic. ym-mo. IORTHI AKE ado. LEASE.

3200 so. next to ft son, 262-7311. DRAPER-OWENS CO. 200 NORTHCREEK EEL Lockers, never used. 953' 1.050 10.

affic retail space in R. Barry 355-04, 2S faeve nfassaue. ae. i nortriSKie a. avail.

SU.tq. It. V34-9MZ. Tom WoodaN 8 Assoc 3301 Henderson mi aA sic I HAVE rial estal located In Gwinnett 8 Fulton Counties to Irede tor most any typ ol used construction equipment. Crawler loaders, doiert, grader, trucks, train, etc Call Jim Walker at 957 Heavy uementlVVttw)i space at un, iajg w.

p-tree. Within on block ot Man Arts Center Station. Covered parking ediacent. Spaces available now from 500 so tt. lo 20,000 sq.ft.

al t9 00per tq.fl. CM CHANDLER BRADEN. AFCO REALTY ASSOC 404-659-4811 141 Infl Bivd Realtert pTtOwONT CENTER individual Offic 233-055 WELL RD. 8 WIEUCA. 3,000 So.

BilfiNIKli MAf.HISir; FOR LEASENE AREA EPA Approved. Relet by hour or 30t so ft-2700 sa ft. I story, beautl 15,000 Sq. 1 mi. north ol 215.

Outside storooe. below markel. Want Ads Do More Thlnp i For More People At A 1 Lower Cot Than Any Other i Formol Advertblng 1 lui lendsctplng, reasonanle raiesi DaTSUn' das tb. Fl. Itnmeditlv.

Good Parking, 997-1520, SeTaOjFFICE BLDG. For Sale. 1,100 so. ft. next to N.

OeKalb Men. Excellent loan Don day. Pate Jolly Grading contrac for. 449-7II1 rs-sW; CHARLES KING 233-5127 capacity. For trtro cam David hi, CAT 6lH, IWi 66PS, jisMiMl rnnHllln Ml-tlll FREE Pre-llcensad E.

school, ABF Fraignt Sytlemt, J6I-42I. stlNG INUUilHIAl frkALTY 294 Peechtree Road Let, ZV4-II4J. ranan Rity 3M4 Pitd. Ul-4U. inc..

The Atlanta Constitution from Atlanta, Georgia (2024)


What was the purpose of The Atlanta Constitution? ›

Seeking to establish a strong, Democratic daily newspaper in Georgia's new capital, Carey Wentworth Styles and James H. Anderson first published the Atlanta Constitution on June 16, 1868. As editor, Styles editorialized against Radical Reconstruction and the Rufus Bullock administration in the.

Who owns The Atlanta Constitution? ›

The newspaper is owned by Cox Enterprises, a family-owned company that has been in Atlanta since 1939. While the newspaper is owned by a private company, its news decisions are made by the journalists in the AJC's newsroom.

How much does the Atlanta Journal-Constitution cost? ›

Autorenews at $2.99/week (billed $11.96 every 4 weeks). Cancel anytime. Terms and conditions apply. Unlock Greater Atlanta when you subscribe today.

Who was the editor of The Atlanta Constitution who urged Georgians to create a new South? ›

Atlantan Henry Grady, a prominent orator and editor of the Atlanta Constitution, heralded the coming of the New South after the end of the Civil War.

What were the 3 purposes of the Constitution? ›

First it creates a national government consisting of a legislative, an executive, and a judicial branch, with a system of checks and balances among the three branches. Second, it divides power between the federal government and the states. And third, it protects various individual liberties of American citizens.

What was the purpose of the Georgia Constitution? ›

The Constitution of the State of Georgia is the governing document of our state. It outlines the three branches of government, dictating both the scope and limitations of government power. It defines the extent of government authority and sets the parameters of personal and individual freedoms.

Who edited The Atlanta Constitution? ›

The Constitution had been counted among the great newspapers of the United States, and it came to be regarded as the “voice of the New South,” thanks to a succession of outstanding editors: Henry W. Grady, Clark Howell, and Ralph McGill. The Constitution was founded in 1868, when Carey Wentworth Styles, James H.

Who owns the White House in Atlanta? ›

Fred Milani, owner of this replica White House in Atlanta, is trying to sell the home for $9.8 million. Owner Fred Milani is an Iranian-born real estate developer who came to the United States in 1979, the year the shah left Iran.

Who wrote the Georgia Constitution? ›

Just before the start of the Civil War, Georgia's Secession Convention drafted a new constitution for the state, led largely by Thomas Reade Rootes Cobb, the Convention's chairman. The new constitution largely left in place the framework of government found under the 1798 constitution, as amended.

Where can I get a copy of the Atlanta Journal Constitution? ›

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution microfilm is available in many metro Atlanta libraries, including: Atlanta-Fulton Public Library, One Margaret Mitchell Square, Atlanta, near the Peachtree MARTA station. Telephone: 404-730-4636.

Is AJC going out of print? ›

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution will discontinue its daily print edition and go to a weekend print edition, but it will continue its digital news operation seven days a week, according to interviews with a half dozen people close to the newspaper.

How much does an original copy of the Constitution cost? ›

Editor's Note: This article was updated with the final sale price and other details following the auction's conclusion. An exceptionally rare first-edition printed copy of the US Constitution fetched $43.2 million in New York on Thursday, becoming the most expensive historical document ever to sell at auction.

What is Grady's main argument? ›

Grady preached the promises of a New South, arguing that slavery and secession were dead in the region, and that northern financial help would aid reconciliation between former enemies while turning a profit. He also urged northerners to allow white southerners to manage the rights of Black citizens.

What is Georgia's biggest newspaper? ›

1. Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Breaking news, watchdog journalism and everything in between.

Who founded the Atlanta Constitution? ›

In 1868, Carey Wentworth Styles, along with his joint venture partners James Anderson and (future Atlanta mayor) William Hemphill purchased a small newspaper, the Atlanta Daily Opinion which they renamed The Constitution, as it was originally known, was first published on June 16, 1868.

What was the purpose of the Atlanta Compromise? ›

Praising the South for some of the opportunities it had given Blacks since emancipation, Washington asked whites to trust Blacks and provide them with opportunities so that both races could advance in industry and agriculture. This shared responsibility came to be known as the Atlanta Compromise.

What was the original purpose of the constitutional? ›

The Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia met between May and September of 1787 to address the problems of the weak central government that existed under the Articles of Confederation.

What was the reason for the Atlanta campaign? ›

Sherman's goal was to destroy the Army of the Tennessee, capture Atlanta and cut off vital Confederate supply lines. While Sherman failed to destroy his enemy, he was able to force the surrender of Atlanta in September 1864, boosting Northern morale and greatly improving President Abraham Lincoln's re-election bid.

What did the Atlanta Constitution newspaper promote? ›

In October 1876 the newspaper was renamed as The Daily Constitution, before settling on the name The Atlanta Constitution in September 1881. During the 1880s, editor Henry W. Grady was a spokesman for the "New South", encouraging industrial development as well as the founding of Georgia Tech in Atlanta.

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Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

Address: 747 Lubowitz Run, Sidmouth, HI 90646-5543

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Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.