Attack Potency - The Codex (2024)

Destructive Capacity is the term used to determine the amount of damage a character can produce. It is measured in units of energy. An alternative term for Destructive Capacity which has more direct meaning: The Destructive Capacity that an attack is equivalent to. A character with a certain degree of attack potency does not necessarily need to cause destructive feats on that level, but can cause damage to characters that can withstand such forces.

A regular argument used against a character falls under that they should not be a tier because they have never been shown destroying an object that matches the level of the name (I.E. Link cannot be planet because he never destroys a planet, nor do any of his sword slashes destroy a planet). Using this argument is extremely flawed as it not only ignores the existence of area of effect, but would also with using this logic make a human stronger then a bullet. To explain this, take a hypothetical example of someone punching through an interior wall vs. bullet being shot at an interior wall. If a bullet is shot at a wall, the wall would have a small hole from the bullet going through it, however if a person punches through a wall, a big hole would be left in place due to the size of the hand, with the logic of ignoring one's energy output in place for area of effect, the person's punch would in that scenario be stronger then a bullet.

Once going above tier 3, our scaling reaches into unquantifiable energy areas, this is better suited to be explained in our tiering system, which is based on levels of infinity. This considers Georg Cantor's set theory, where there are higher levels of infinity.

Since human characters are the most prevalent throughout all of fiction and we understand the energy levels in the standard universe (due to existing in it), the power of the standard universe is split into many levels encompassing the majority of this system. This ranges from below the energy level of an average human to unexplainable levels of energy. This falls under our standard laws of physics.

After extending into a multiverse's cosmology. It goes beyond the regular singular space-time continuum of the universe. One can go higher and higher depending on the cosmology and the setting of the verse.

The scale culminates in the quality of the cosmology. All possible levels of power are included within our tiering system due to the lower/higher levels of infinity.

In most cases, tier 11 is a mostly unused tier as normally fictions tend to deal with regular humans and higher.

TierLevelEnergy in

Conventional Terms

Energy in Tonnes

of TNT Equivalent

Energy in JoulesHigh End to Low End ratioExplanations11-CAbsolute ZeroNoneNoneNoneNoneAt this state one has zero energy, normally for massless particles at rest.11-BSubatomicComparable to subatomic particlesComparable to a subatomic particlesComparable to a subatomic particlesN/AEnergy levels so low where they reach a Planck scale or below.11-AAtomicEnergy of an atom.Energy of an atom.Energy of an atom.N/AEnergy levels comparable to a single particle.Low 10-CLow Subhuman~Lower quantifiable finite value of Joules to

0.003 Joules

~Lower quantifiable finite value to 7.17×10-13~Lower quantifiable finite value to 3×10-3N/ANormally reserved to digital or data beings.10-CSubhuman0.003 Joules to 1.4 Joules~7.17×10-13 to 3.34×10-10~3×10-3 to 1.4x100N/ANormally reserved to bugs or insects.High 10-CHigh Subhuman~1.4 Joules to 25 Joules~3.34×10-10 to 5.97×10-9~1.4x100 to 2.5×101N/ANormally reserved to small animals or infants.Low 10-BBelow Average Human25 joules to 50 joules5.97×10-9 to 1.195×10−82.5x101 to 5x1012.6xThe physically impaired, children of society, or obese people of society.10-BAverage Human50 Joules to

130 Joules

1.195×10−8 to 3.1071×10−85x101 to 1.3x1022.6xThe regular human of society.High 10-BAbove Average Human130 Joules to

300 Joules

3.1071×10−8 to 7.17x10−81.3x102 to 3x102~2.307xAn athletic human.10-APeak Human300 Joules to

7 Kilojoules

7.17x10−8 to 1.67×10-63x102 to 7x103~23.33xHigh level athletes, they normally participate in sports like Basketball, Tennis, Boxing, MMA, etcetera.9-CBone7 Kilojoules to

14 Kilojoules

1.67×10-6 to 3.34608×10−67x103 to 1.4x1042xMainly for also be melee weapons, conventional firearms or smaller predator animals.9-BWall14 Kilojoules

to 0.018 Tons

3.59x10−6 to 1.8×10−21.4x104 to 7.6×107~5441.067The beginning of superhuman, destroying walls in various manners.9-ARoom0.018 Tons

to 0.25 Tons

1.8×10−2 to 2.5x10−17.6×107 to 1.046x109~13.89xThe energy to destroy a room.Low 8-CSmall Building0.25 Tons

to 5 Tons

2.5x10−1 to 51.046x109 to 2.092x101020xThe energy to destroy a small building. This is normally considered a residential home.8-CBuilding5 Tons

to 7.5 Tons

5 to 7.5to 2.092x1010 to 3.138×10101.5xThe energy to destroy a building. Normally considered for commercial buildings.High 8-CLarge Building7.5 Tons to

10 Tons

7.5 to 1x1013.138×1010 to 4.184×1010~1.33xThe energy to destroy a large building.8-BCity Block10 Tons to 100 Tons1x101 to 1024.184×1010 to 4.184x101110xThe energy to destroy a city block.8-ACity District100 Tons to 10 Kilotons102 to 1x1044.184x1011 to 4.184×1013100xThe energy to destroy a city district.7-CTown10 Kilotons to

1 Megaton

1x104to 1064.184×1013 to 4.184x1015100xThe energy to destroy a town.7-BCity1 Megaton to 50 Megatons106 to 5x1074.184x1015 to 2.092x1017</sup50xThe energy to destroy a city.7-AMetropolis50 Megatons

to 1 Gigaton

5x107 to 1x1092.092x1017 to 4.184x101820xThe energy to destroy a metropolis.6-CIsland1 Gigatons

to 1 Teraton

1x109 to 1x10124.184x1018 to 4.184x10211000xThe energy to destroy an island.6-BCountry1 Teraton to 1 Petaton1x1012 to 1x10154.184x1021 to 4.184x10241000xThe energy to destroy a country.6-AContinent1 Petaton

to 40 Petatons

1x1015 to 4x10164.184x1024 to 1.674x1026~40xThe energy to destroy a continent.High 6-AMulti-Continent40 Petatons to

28.6 Exatons

4x1016 to 2.87x10191.674x1026 to 1.2x1029~716.85xThe energy to destroy multiple continents. Normally things like surface wiping or atmosphere destruction.5-CMoon29.6 Exatons to

430 Exatons

2.87x1019 to 4.3x10201.2x1029 to 1.8x1030~14.53xThe energy to destroy the moon. The normal assumption is our Earth's moon.Low 5-BSmall Planet433 Exatons

to 48 Zettatons

4.3x1020 to 4.8x10221.8x1030 to 2x1032~111.11xThe energy to destroy a small planet. The normal assumption is the planet Mercury.5-BPlanet48 Zettatons

to 4.075 Yottatons

4.8x1022 to 4.075x10242x1032 to 1.705x1034~85.25xThe energy to destroy a planet. The normal assumption is our Earth.High 5-BLarge Planet4.075 Yottatons

to 182.31 Ninatons

4.075x1024 to 1.823x10291.705x1034 to 7.628x1038~44,737xThe energy to destroy a large planet. The normal assumption is Neptune.5-ABrown Dwarf182.31 Ninatons

to 3.910 Tenatons

1.823x1029 to 3.91x10307.628x1038 to 1.636x1040~21.45xThe energy to destroy a Brown Dwarf. The normal assumption is OTS 44.Low 4-CLow Mass Star3.910 Tenatons

to 55 Tenatons

3.91x1030 to 5.49x10311.636x1040 to 2.3x1041~7.33xThe energy to destroy a star that has low mass.4-CStar55 Tenatons

to 912.295 Tenatons

5.49x1031 to 9.12x10322.3x1041 to 3.817x1042~16.59xThe energy to destroy an average star. The normal assumption is our sun.High 4-CHigh Mass Star912.295 Tenatons

to 1 Foe

9.12x1032 to 2.39x10343.817x1042 to 1x1044~26.20xThe energy to destroy a star that has large mass. The normal assumption is the star Rige.4-BSolar System1 Foe

to 121.98 GigaFoe

2.39x1034 to 1x10441x1044 to 1.22x1055~12,1982,507,288.629738xThe energy to destroy a solar system. An example being a supernova. The normal assumption is our solar system.High 4-BMulti-Solar System121.98 GigaFoe

to 1.61 YottaFoe

2.92x1045 to 1.041x10481.22x1055 to 4.357x1057~357.1554xThe energy to destroy multiple solar systems.4-AStar Cluster121.98 GigaFoe

to 1.61 YottaFoe

1.041x1048 to 4.693x10504.357x1057 to 1.964x1060~450.7539xThe energy to destroy a star cluster.High 4-AMulti-Star Cluster121.98 GigaFoe

to 1.61 YottaFoe

4.693x1050 to 1.22x10551.964x1060 to 1.614x1068~82,185,891.768xThe energy to destroy multiple star clusters.3-CGalaxy1.61 YottaFoe

to 1.61 NinaFoe

3.857x1058 to 3.857x10611.614x1068 to 1.614x10711000xThe energy to destroy a galaxy. The normal assumption is our Milky Way Galaxy.High 3-CMulti-Galaxy1.61 NinaFoe

to 5.48 TenaFoe

3.857x1061 to 1.301x10651.614x1071 to 5.447x1074~3374.8xThe energy to destroy multiple galaxies.3-BGalaxy Cluster5.48 TenaFoe

to 2.15 TenakiloFoe

1.301x1065 to 5.134x10675.447x1074 to 2.148x1077~394.3xThe energy to destroy a galaxy cluster.3-ASupercluster2.15 TenakiloFoe

to 2.79 TenamegaFoe

5.134x1067 to 6.666x10702.148x1077 to 2.789x1080~1298.4xThe energy to destroy a supercluster. The normal assumption is the Virgo Supercluster.High 3-AMulti-Supercluster2.79 TenamegaFoe

to any higher finite amount

6.666x1070 to any higher finite number2.789x1080 to any higher finite numberN/AThe energy to destroy multiple superclusters.2-CUniversalUnquantifiableUnquantifiableUnquantifiableUnquantifiableImpossible to quantify with our current understanding of physics.2-BMulti-UniversalUnquantifiableUnquantifiableUnquantifiableUnquantifiableImpossible to quantify with our current understanding of physics.2-AMultiversalUnquantifiableUnquantifiableUnquantifiableUnquantifiableImpossible to quantify with our current understanding of physics.2-A+Multiversal+UnquantifiableUnquantifiableUnquantifiableUnquantifiableImpossible to quantify with our current understanding of physics.1-CComplex MultiversalUnquantifiableUnquantifiableUnquantifiableUnquantifiableImpossible to quantify with our current understanding of physics.1-BHypercomplex MultiversalUnquantifiableUnquantifiableUnquantifiableUnquantifiableImpossible to quantify with our current understanding of physics.1-AMathematical MultiversalUnquantifiableUnquantifiableUnquantifiableUnquantifiableImpossible to quantify with our current understanding of physics.High 1-AAbsolute TranscendenceUnquantifiableUnquantifiableUnquantifiableUnquantifiableImpossible to quantify with our current understanding of physics.

The "+" symbol was originally used when the Attack Potency has been calculated to be greater than the average (arithmetic mean) of the high end energy level and low end energy level of a particular tier. Though it was agreed that the usage of this was ultimately unnecessary as calculations are ultimately massively subjective and have been in many cases subject to change, thus now the "+" symbol is used for 2-A to differentiate a countless multiverse and infinite multiverse.

Should be used to denote the lower cap of a character, if the exact value is indeterminate. Usually listed for characters that have done a feat superbly casually.

Should be used to denote the higher cap of a character, if the exact value is indeterminate. Usually listed for characters that have done a feat that is questionable compared to their other feats.

Should be used to list a hypothetical statistic for a character, but inconclusive due to lack of feats or viable power-scaling. Probability of said hypothetical statistic should be favorable.

Should be used to list a hypothetical statistic for a character, but inconclusive due to lack of feats or viable power-scaling. Probability of said hypothetical statistic should also be indeterminate.

Attack Potency - The Codex (2024)
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Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

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Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.